Breaking News

News guy wept and told us earth was really dying, cried so much his face was wet then I knew he was not lying

Look up here, I’m in heaven
I’ve got scars that can’t be seen
I’ve got drama, can’t be stolen
Everybody knows me now

- Lazarus                                                                    

I don't even know what to say? What can be said? All words feel trite and empty. I woke up to the news and couldn't compute it, I still can't.

It's so strange when a public figure dies, really it has little meaning beyond the emotional. You didn't know him personally, so nothing is physically missing from your life, you can just carry on as normal. But there's a huge David Bowie shaped hole in the universe now, which can never be filled by another and somehow the world feels a whole lot dimmer for it.

All of my favourites and heroes are either over 60 or already passed, so it's a fact I've come to accept long, long ago that I would have to witness death snatch these wonderful people from our lives, irreplaceable people who've inspired and changed the face of our world forever. Unfortunately it doesn't make it any less shocking or heartbreaking when it does happen. All the more as these fantastic souls feel so ageless and eternal, such a part of our landscape, that surely they must be immortal. Childish and naive but true nonetheless.

I wanted to draw something to commemorate. I'm not thrilled with how this came out as I've had low energy today, but I have a hopefully better idea which I'll try and draw later in the week.

Oh I’ll be free
Just like that bluebird
Oh I’ll be free
Ain’t that just like me

- Lazarus                                                                   

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