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Goodbye 2015 My Best Year Yet!

Well what an amazing year 2015 has been for me! So many new experiences and fun times and I'm loving my work more than ever!

I began the year with a Rock'n'Roll bang by recording bass for The Witches and then performing with Sister Witch which was so cool. I released my solo acoustic songs as free downloads throughout May and then made my first official video with the very talented Jordan Kaye. Lilygun's September album sale was a huge success and I was thrilled that new people were discovering Lilygun and enjoying our songs.

This year was Music Audio Stories most successful year! As well as producing new stories, we became a business and that meant doors opening to many other things for us. Adie and I went to Entrepreneurs Networking Nights, Seminars and were invited to The Toy Show and The Business Show 2015 which was great! Please read our Music Audio Stories Year Round-Up Blog here: We have new and exciting things happening for us so watch this space...

Apart from working extremely hard, I had some amazing personal adventures too. I went to the opening of London Fashion Week, British Summer Time in Hyde Park, an amazing Safari adventure for my birthday, a wonderful August mini break in the country and Film & Networking Nights were I got to meet directors, producers and other composers. I've been lucky to have attended Ennio Morricone's concert - My Life in Music and listened to Danny Elfman's score synced to Tim Burton's movie Alice in Wonderland live at The Royal Albert Hall. I've made new friends in other industries and learned a hell of a lot!
I also started Aerial Hoop training and Boxercise! I got my own boxing gloves for Christmas! :-)

I'm on the most extraordinary journey and even though it often means I have to juggle all of my various projects at once, I love the challenges and wouldn't have it any other way. I've had to learn a lot of new skills, do a hell of a lot of research and learning about running a business and work on my own mind set.

I ended the year back in the field of Rock'n'Roll when Lilygun began to record our second album. All that was missing from my year was a Lilygun show but I've got that to look forward to next year and of course we'll be releasing our new album which I'm super excited about!

The support I've had this year has been AWESOME and I'm so grateful to my friends (old and new), my family and all of my followers for their massive support. I've had one of the best years of my life this year but I can't wait for next year because life is just getting better and better for me.

I wish you all a Happy New Year 2016!


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