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Wear your love like heaven

I've felt completely uninspired by my wardrobe lately, feeling like I've lost my way. The trouble is I like a few different styles, so my wardrobe ends up a confusing place. I've been suckered in by far too many faux-70s high street pieces lately, feeling an irrational need to stock up before the mainstream changes its mind - not helped in part that I'm yet to find good vintage shops in my new location and will often end up at the shopping mall out of sheer boredom. This needs to stop!

I need to go back to my roots - mid to late 1960s mod with touches of the psychedelic. I was looking at the darkest depths of my Etsy favourites and all of the floaty tent dresses I didn't buy and I wanted to weep. This is the era my heart lies in and always has - Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby has always been my main fashion inspiration and the reason I began wearing vintage in the first place.

Part of the reason I've been swayed away so badly is how sheer expensive vintage has gotten nowadays with everyone jumping on the bandwagon. I don't say that with any sense of elitism, just pure frustration at the amount of overcharging that goes on as a result. The original lure of vintage was quality clothing at a fraction of the price of the tat sold at the likes of Topshop, where you can pay £50 for a dress that will have fallen apart within a few months. Now said tat is often cheaper, when even charity shops charge £30+ for a dress and anyone thinks they can be a vintage seller by marking up any old secondhand goods for £££. It feels like capitalism ruins everything eventually. Boo to that!

It's also a shame because I so prefer vintage over modern clothing, it doesn't even compare. It fits nicer, it's made from better quality fabrics, it comes in patterns and colours that just don't exist nowadays (I can't understand people's aversion to colour nowadays, even vintage reproduction is so muted.) I'm also overly sentimental and like knowing that my clothes have lived a life before me and wondering what that might have been like. Who were they, why did they buy it, where did they go, what did they do, what did they wear with it? It's like owning little pieces of living history, and that's probably my favourite thing about the vintage scene. Keeping the past alive, and feeling like I'm taking that step back in time.

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